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We can all recognize in ourselves an inner movement to reach a certain goal, to provoke certain shifts or to improve ourselves, people around us and situations. On one hand, that’s a sign of our capacity to act and change our reality for the better whenever we feel unsafe, uncomfortable or unsatisfied.
However, on the other hand we also know that this impulse can come from an unrealistic need to be in control of our fate. In such moments, we push ourselves (too) hard, we effort beyond our capacity and reach an inner state that is not sustainable. Furthermore, in such cases, when we convince ourselves that we’ve failed, we start judging and blaming ourselves.
What we’ve come to realize is that between the Doing and the Not Doing, there is a state of Being that we cannot control but which can be nourished and protected. In such state, we can experience the flow of Life, allowing us to trust it and teaching us to surrender to it.
Sophie de Lacaze and Nuno Salema are offering a weekend process group in Ljubljana, Slovenia in November.
Their body-oriented approach to developmental trauma, rooted in a safe and welcoming environment, supports people to recognize and explore behavioral, emotional and relational patterns that hold them back and cut them off from their life energy.
Through Holistic Bodywork, Embodiment Practices, and Individual and Group Process Work participants of the workshop will benefit from a holistic perspective that integrates body, mind, heart and spirit as well as a deepening of their insights into their own personality, survival strategies and unique core qualities.
Sophie and Nuno are trained in Core Energetics, NARM and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy. They developed a relational model to inspire people to create more meaningful, vulnerable and authentic relationships with themselves and with others. As Founders of the Holistic Embodiment for Authentic Leadership (H.E.A.L.) project, they give trainings and teach in Germany, Portugal, Poland and the Netherlands.
Friday, 10. november, 18:00 – 21:00
Saturday, 11. november, 10:00 – 19:00
Sunday, 12. november, 10:00 – 17:00
Location: Parinama center,
Cesta na Brdo 85, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Investment: 350 EUR
early birds till 31. avgust 300 EUR
English language with Slovenian translation
Contact person: Tina Hrast. Registration: info@tina-hrast.si